Forum > Newbies Introduction > player need help
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Posts: 1

22-Jun-2012 5:14:06 PM
 hi there,

I am looking to join the team to play soccer on the weekends or weekdays for trainings or games if there is any.
Im currently a student and just got back from australia for a one month holiday, and seeking to play soccer.
I happenned to chance upon this site and wonder if anyone could help me out with this.
thanks very very much.

playing competitive soccer in australia, canberra.
position played : centre midfield, centre forward


Toni Teo
Posts: 72

22-Jun-2012 7:47:18 PM
welcome Ben,
see that u book a slot for this sunday, cya on the pitch ..

the END is near but painful ...

Posts: 2389

23-Jun-2012 11:08:32 AM
welcome to the club, ben.
seeya on the pitch tmrw.

Steady lar!

Lim Wei Jie Scott
Posts: 71

24-Jun-2012 5:35:38 AM
Welcome to da club ben

Scott. L

Forum > Newbies Introduction > player need help

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