Forum > Newbies Introduction > NEWBIE
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Lei Wai Kuong
Posts: 1

18-Jan-2012 9:06:59 AM
 Hey guys, 

New to this place and i would like to play some regular football but the attendance list abit full haha any other way to play some leisure football?
Anyway, i play football occasionally with my friends and i enjoy playing def mid, mid and att mid. wing is fine for me as well.
Eh i enjoy playing those positions doesnt mean im good at it haha so...
really looking forward to playing some nice football thru this FC 
phone number is 91785980 do sms if you can offer some football for me haha

thanks peeps

Lione Yeo
Posts: 382

18-Jan-2012 12:21:00 PM
 Hi. The attendance list opens up 2 weeks in advance every Sunday. That being said, people tend to release their slots through the week so check back often.

Go hard or go home.

Forum > Newbies Introduction > NEWBIE

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